Monday, August 12, 2024, 5:00 pm
Town Offices - 7 Brattleboro Road
Open Space and Recreation Planning Committee
Meeting Notice and Agenda
Town Office Building Select Board Room — Monday, August 12, 2024— 5:00 pm
AGENDA: (Topics that the Chair reasonably anticipates being discussed. Times for planning purposes.)
5:00: Select Board Chair to call the meeting to order, request volunteer for minutes
5:05: Introductions
5:15: Overview of Committee’s role, structure, and mandate and Discussion
5:45: Selection of Chair of Open Space and Recreation Planning Committee
6:00: Adjourn
Posted at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 by Paul McLatchy III, Town Clerk
Open Space and Recreation 2024-08-12 Agenda (2024-08-07 at 5:26 PM)