Building Needs Study Committee Meeting

Wednesday, November 13, 5:30 pm
Town Offices - 7 Brattleboro Road

Building Needs Study Committee Agenda


[Leyden Town Office-All Committees Room]

7 Brattleboro Road, Leyden, MA


[ Wednesday, Nov 13th 2024]



Agenda details: (Topics that the Chair person reasonably anticipates to be discussed.)

New Business

530pm -540 pm Review last month’s meeting minutes

540pm-615pm Review green communities projects with town coordinator and SB rep and make recommendation to SB/FC.

615-45pm Discuss and assemble building pictures we have taken over several months and discuss repair/replacement priorities

645pm -700pm review building maintenance checklist and when ok send to town coordinator and SB and town maintenance personnel for adding their requirements.

Also what members would like to put in for next months agenda


*** Please note—all times are for planning purposes

Posted at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 by Paul McLatchy III, Town Clerk

Building Needs Study Committee Agenda 2024-11-13 (2024-11-05 at 4:43 PM)