Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 6:00 pm
Town Offices - 7 Brattleboro Road
Town of Leyden
Planning board
Notice of Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 5, and the Leyden Zoning Bylaws, that the Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Wed. December 11, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Municipal Offices at 7 Brattleboro Road, Leyden, MA. This hearing will review proposed amendments and revisions to the Leyden Zoning Bylaws, including revisions and additional paragraphs to Sections: 3. Definitions, 4.1 Permitted Uses, 4.2 Uses Requiring a Special Permit, 4.3 Prohibited Uses, 5.7B Common Driveways, and the addition of a new Section 5.13 Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU’s).P The purpose of this public hearing is to provide interested parties with the opportunity to comment on these new proposed residential land use options in Leyden. For review purposes only, a copy of the proposed Bylaw amendments is available for inspection in the office of the Town Coordinator during that office’s regular business hours at the 7 Brattleboro Road Town Offices, or on the Leyden Town Website at (NOV 2024 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL LAND USE ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENTS.)
James Brodeur, Chair
Leyden Planning Board
Planning Board 2024-12-11 Hearing (2024-11-27 at 5:20 PM)